Direct And Indirect Grilling With Coconut Charcoal, What’s The Difference?

Grilling is one of the most used cooking techniques around the world. Grilling cannot be separated from charcoal. The most commonly used charcoal is coconut charcoal briquettes. The use of coconut as charcoal is also highly recommended. Apart from being easy to find and usually not being used. Coconut charcoal is also able to give off a distinctive taste and aroma that cannot be found in other charcoal uses.

Parties and Grilling Cannot Be Separated

Grilling activities are closely related to parties. Many events that do grilling activities such as family events, new year’s eve, beach parties, and others. Of course, during a grilling party, you also have to participate to help. Did you know that grilling with coconut charcoal briquettes has several ways?

Direct Grilling

The grilling technique is to put the charcoal briquettes right under the meat to be processed. This roast can reach temperatures of around 450ºf. The direct-fire roasting process produces crispy meat, slightly charred and also juicy on the inside. Usually, this technique is very suitable for fast-cooking meats such as sirloin, tenderloin, and fish.

  • Control the Temperature

When grilling directly keeping the temperature stable is very important. One of them is to regulate the flow of heat that is occasionally opening the grill lid. This is done so that heat is not trapped which causes the meat to cook too quickly. Charcoal briquettes also need to be considered so that they remain lit during the direct roasting process.

  • Regularly Flipping Your Meat

Another thing to note is to flip the roasted meat so that the meat cooks evenly. Meat cooked by direct grilling is relatively fast and the process is fast, so you should keep an eye on the meat.

Indirect Grilling

the Opposite method, an indirect grill is to grill the meat but not directly exposed to the fire from the coconut charcoal briquettes. Although the fire does not directly grill the meat, the regulation and heat radiation can still make the meat cooked. The indirect roasting process usually takes a long time.

Why Using the Indirect Grill Method?

Indirect roasting is usually used to cook thick meats such as brisket, whole chicken, and others. This is so that the roasted meat is cooked to the inside. If this type of meat uses direct fire, the result is a charred outer layer but the inside is still raw.

How to Do It?

One of the most common is the two-zone method. Divided into two sides, the first side is given the charcoal briquettes. The next side is used as a medium to put the meat. Then under the meat is placed a container. This container is usually used to hold fat from meat. So that the meat fat does not burn the charcoal. The heat from the charcoal still is properly radiated during the grilling process.

Indirect grilling temperature usually about 275-350ºf. Don’t forget to use the right techniques for the right meat. So, which technique do you prefer? Also, to shorten your time it’s best to use coconut charcoal briquettes.

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