The Ultimate eCommerce Web Designers Tips

People now are more interested in shopping online rather than shopping in a real store. The reason behind this phenomenon is that people want simplicity. An online store can give them easiness, convenience, and a more varied collection within the reach of the hand. The offline store, however, requires more energy, more budget, and more hassle.

During the pandemic, lots of offline businesses turn their strategy into online business for the sake of staying at home. This is why many offline businesses owner is trying to find the download plugin for WordPress for their new eCommerce site. It is not a surprise, since building an eCommerce website is considered a more effective way of selling while the covid-19 strikes in every corner of the world.

Tips to Build New eCommerce Site

If you are an offline business owner and you want to create an eCommerce site for your business, you need to pay attention to several tips below. These are the core tips that you need to apply to your new eCommerce site in order to please the customer and increase your sales!

  • Think Like a Customer

Building an eCommerce site is surely different compared with building a blog. eCommerce tends to be built to sell something, while the blog is built to give useful information only. If you want to bring many visitors or customers to your site, you should think like a customer. What do all customers want from your eCommerce? What kind of design that they like?

  • Keep All Simple

All customers basically want to experience cozy shopping on your site. In order to fulfill this, you need to make your website as simple as possible. Do not add many complicated things that make your customers go away. You can try to look at the site that provides a link to download a plugin for WordPress, or some WordPress simple theme with a minimalist design to make your eCommerce look simple.

  • Use Color with Purpose

Color in a website design is a must. Without color, your eCommerce site will look boring and dead. So, choose the color wisely and make sure you choose the best color for your brand. Adding color is not simply picking random color then apply it to the website. You should consider learning about color combination and harmony to make your website more attractive. Color is also not just a color, you should treat a color your pick to have a purpose. Let say that you have a brand that represents courage, bold, manly, then you should add red, black, or grey which represents all those things.

  • HD Images is a Must!

In a world where 4k is becoming a common pixel picture, you should compete with other eCommerce by providing HD images. HD images always look attractive and convenient to the eyes. This will surely please your customer, especially the ones trying to buy your products!

  • Friendly UI

UI is User Interface; it is the mechanism and design of a site that manages how a visitor interacts with your eCommerce. You should consider adding friendly UI sing many customers will come to your eCommerce. An example of this is that you can create a simple design for an interactive button like “adding cart” or “buy option”. You can also design-friendly UI to scan the images of the product such as zoom out and zoom in options.

  • Responsivity is The Core!

No one is going to visit your site again if your eCommerce site design unresponsively. So make sure your eCommerce site is responsive. To do this, you can level up your hosting account, or hire an expert of VPS to make the loading of your eCommerce site faster than before.

  • Make a Simple Content

Do you know that most people will only look at images in an eCommerce site rather than the text? Yes, research indicates that visitors of a website will read only 20% of your descriptive text rather than reading as a whole. So, make sure you have simple content by building a list of each product feature. Bold and line the words for the special features of a product and always make the content simple.

Well, those are several eCommerce web design tips for you. You can always download plugin for WordPress and the theme to make your eCommerce more attractive and responsive!

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